Author: samnathar

Final project: Animation

Hey guys, just wanted to report on my project for the final projects for class. I am almost done with the research paper, and I’m 40 percent done with project 4. I was surprised to learn that a good number of you are doing illustrations instead of an animation. I am doing an animation. Because I have a good idea for a short, and because I have no confidence in my illustration skills. here’s a frame from my film. I don’t want to make it too obvious of what I’m doing.p3_7013

Research Paper: Asura

Hi guys I found this movie few days ago that I really enjoyed. I decided to do my research paper on it. The movie’s called Asura. Its a Japanese anime movie that came out in 2012. Its about a feral boy in the old days of Japan who did everything he could to survive, including resorting to cannibalism. The characters are 3D, while their environment is 2D. The way they are textured is interesting and matches the world they live in. The model for main character is really cool as well.

Tales of the Night

Going back to earlier in the quarter, when we discussed silhouette animation films.  I’ve recently watched this French film called Tales of the Night. They used computer silhouette animation in it. Rather than a movie it was more like an anthology of short stories with recurring characters. It was an enjoyable experience. In between each film it would cut to a room with three characters in it. Two actors; a man and a women, and a director. They would discuss a story in which to act in. The stories were diverse, and took influences from all around the world. My only complaint is that end on the last story, instead of cutting back to the main three. Other than I liked the movie and would recommend others to watch.


It has occurred to me that I hadn’t talked about the pixelation project. We finished filming on Saturday. I did the acting in the story and all the props belonged to me. Andrea did the filming. overall its not going to be that long. we had a rough idea of the story, but we made changes as we filmed. here’s a rough story board for it I’ll turn in more detailed one, but this is just the one. We started with.storyboard_pixelation001.jpg