Author: Prof. Jake Zhang

Stop-motion animation using food


Thanks again for your great works this quarter! I enjoy your blog posts especially the work-in-progress images and contents about your projects!

I remember I mentioned a stop-motion animation shooting in kitchen using food.

Here it is! Enjoy!

Tomato Adventure from ShihChieh Chiu on Vimeo.


Welcome to ANIM 223

Welcome to ANIM 223

Hi Dear ANIM 223 students,

Welcome to our class blog, a place for you to post your thoughts according to class contents or any inspirations for your further animation projects.

You may notice from our class syllabus, we will doing a couple studio projects and you should keep updating your progress here.

Besides posting, please feel free to give comments to others. You can also raise question or topic for discussion. Your participation will be credited for your grade for you assignments_blogPost. (It means that it’s also important for you to edit your user name to the “Firstname Lastname”)


Jake Zhang