Author: bacide20

Weekly blog post- The final post

With how professor showed the class about the advancements of 3d animation and how it has evolved into the form factor what we know today. I cannot fathom how drastic and fast the evolution of 3d rendered animation. From simpler times of very polygonic figures and shapes to the more rounded and lifelike textures. I couldn’t appreciate the man-hours it took to make 3d animation the way it is today.

Weekly blog post- Animation in Documentaries

During the last class we had, the professor showed us interesting documentaries that delve into topics that are somewhat weird at times. Documentaries are an interesting format. Some people may be engaged in the medium while others are turned off by it.

I think that implementing animation in some aspects of all aspects of a documentary make it more engaging for more viewers to watch. It helps the audience to understand the topic more because of the visual feedback. It is like telling a short story. It also helps the director of filmmakers to explain difficult topics to children and to give them information through visual storytelling.

Weekly blog post

bannerI know that this is a little late but I wanted to talk about how I was influenced by an anime movie I really like since I was little. We briefly talked in class about how Miyazaki was a huge influence in the creation the modern Japanese animation. I’m sad to say that I haven’t seen any of his movies but a Japanese animator I really admire was under Miyazaki’s influence throughout his career. His name is Mamoru Hosoda and he was the one who created my favorite animated film “Digimon adventure: Our war game.” Hosoda was a remarkable animator during the 90’s in my opinion. He did one of the key animations for the series “Dragon Ball Z” and “Sailor Moon”. when he created “our war game” he was given recognition due to how unique his style was in approaching scenes in the movie. The main thing that stood out to me is the sequences that show a white background. I never understood why I liked those sequences but it was really remarkable for me to see something unique in the movie and made a really deep impression towards how I would approach my drawings.  Sometimes I watch the movie from time to time to fuel my love for animation once again.

Pixelation Project briefing

With this project coming to a close, I would give some of my thoughts about how I thought this project would be played out. In the beginning i thought the class would make something pixelated, something like 8-bit sprites. But in the end, pixelation was something completely different.

The examples that professor showed us were really inspiring, especially the mario kart one, so me and my group thought of parodying Street fighter as our pixelation project. Our group consists of me, Adrian, Rico, Venezia, and Charlotte. Through it all,  the end product is truly amazing and I could’nt be thankful to my talented group. I can’t wait to see your projects tomorow!