Author: andreacortezt

Weekly post – “Easy” music video

This is one of my favorite animated music videos. It is from the DJ Porter Robinson and Mat Zo. I was thinking about posting Porter Robinson’s music video “shelter”, but some of you might already know about it since it was very popular. However, I still think this video is pretty amazing because of the artistic style, pastel colors, and character design. I also enjoyed watching and analyzing the body language of the main character, and the flow of her movements. Together with an energetic and exciting song, I think this video achieved being appealing to the audience’s senses.

Final project – stop motion animation

Hi! I hope everybody is doing great with the finals.

For the last project I chose to work on a stop motion animation. On this course, I enjoyed the fact that for each project we had to do a different animation technique. Thanks to that I discovered and explored stop motion, it is something that I really want to keep on practicing.

For this short film I found inspiration on the mother of Czech animation:  Hermina Tyrlova. This talented woman is best known for her puppet animations such as: The shoemaker’s son, revolution in toyland and Vláček Kolejáček. However, the video I was inspired from was the one called Node on handkerchief.

Here are some pictures of my process, while I was filming

Watch this award-winning video!

Hello guys, I wanted to share with you this adorable film.

It’s called “Speed dating”. It’s about a girl (Ava) who tries to find the love of her life. The film seems to tell you that she has been looking for that significant other for a long time and in many different ways. So, she decides to try for a last time and goes to a speed dating meeting. Unfortunately, most of the guys she met seemed to be weird or not her type, except for one.

“Speed dating” was filmed with the stop motion technique and with real life actors. It seems like the actors are puppets because the stop motion is used really well. The scenery was created with maquettes.

The main actors the participated on this film where: Baize Buzan, Michael B. Woods and Russ Williamson. And finally, the director is Meghann Artes

I hope you like it!


Studio Killers – Weekly blog post

Hi! I wanted to share this video with you guys. Studio Killers is an European electropop virtual band. Their members are fictional characters and apart from producing their music they also create their own illustrations and videos. I love their style because they combine 2D and 3D animation. In addition, they present different art styles on each video. Here is my favorite music video of them.
